Love Text Message Strategies

1. Avoid being boring and predictable. Being boring and predictable is the biggest crime to commit in text flirting. Your messages should be enjoyable and interesting. It is important to enjoy yourself and send interesting and entertaining texts. It's a total snorefest. You are sure to get these messages from every man that you encounter, so why not try something different. Find something more unique, something which gives her an incentive to reply, like "you completely cheated on football the other night. I'd like to see you play again.

2. Be personal.Text messages can feel a little impersonal at times Try your best to make them as personal as you possibly can, when you can. This will help create an emotional connection between the two of you. Make sure to include the name of your girlfriend in your messages -girls love it when you include their name in the message. It's more intimate. You can also decide to name her after a special nickname. It makes it feel like you're having an inside joke. Use the terms "us" as well as "we" when you send messages -this creates an "me and you against the world" style that girls are drawn to.

3. You can praise her. For instance, try saying "Wow I how gorgeous is your hair today, it's so gorgeous." It's really easy. Girls love feeling valued and appreciated. Try to add a few compliments in your emails. It's possible to make a simple and effective compliment like "I can't help thinking about you in your blue and black dress" (or choose something more unusual such as "You have the most bizarre sense of humor, but I enjoy it!" Be sincere and not just try to impress her. You can tell when someone is fake or not. See this relationship advice sms for more.

4. Be be mysterious. Be mysterious. When she asks about your day, for instance don't respond with lengthy messages detailing every boring details. (See the first step). Try writing something such as "It was pretty weird actually. It is always awe-inspiring to me that people can be truly amazing. You can be sure that she'll be interested and may want to know more in the next message. If she wants to know what your plans are for the weekend, be careful not to give too much information (unless you have genuinely interesting plans). It's impossible to convince her that she's just going to be spending the weekend working on a paper. Tell her that you're going to slay a dragon or do something similar to it - it isn't necessary to be accurate so long as it's intriguing.

5.Tease her just a little. Teasing is a great method to flirt. It allows you to be intimate and affection without becoming too serious. Like we stated, giving your child a cute nickname (one that's only used by her) is a fun method of having the most of your time without appearing offensive. Something like "freckles" or "little miss perfect" are good examples. You can ask her about something she's did or said the last time you were together. If she mentions she's planning to drink a Coke, you can say something like "just do not squirt it out your nostrils like you did last time;)" This is a good example of call-back humor, which will bring attention to an occasion when the two of you had fun together, making her feel positive about the relationship you have. It is important to be courteous and not be rude, or the texting relationship you have with her will soon end.

6 Try to be a bit provocative. Of course, no text flirting relationship is complete without a bit of suggestion to keep things exciting. You could ask her what she's wearing. You could also say something like "I love your dress, but what do I like underneath?" Another option is to use a innocent comment of hers and deliberately misinterpret it as something sexual. It is possible to say, "I can't believe it how long it takes!" In this case, she might be referring to a movie (or similar) and you can respond by declaring "that's precisely what she said." You could mention that you just got out from the shower in case your nerves are out of the way of getting into the sexting lane. This will put the ball into her lap. If she reacts in the form of sexually flirtatious words, such as "dang it would be nice to know that") it'll let you know she's open. See this unique texts for examples.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages short and short. Text messages with long text messages can be boring and will make you seem over-eager. It is recommended to make your messages concise - not more than two or three sentences. Make sure that every message is entertaining, clever, and sweet. You should not flirt with the weather.

2. Send the same amount of texts. Each texting relationship should reflect the same amount of equality. No one should be more active than the other. The excessive number of messages you send will appear to be too enthusiastic and too accessible. You may be perceived as being too aggressive, which will make her disinterested or even lose interest. Not sending enough texts On the other hand it could cause you to appear uninterested or make her think that you're messaging multiple girls at once. If she thinks this way they might think that you're a loser. If you send the same amount of messages to her is a great option to keep a good even balance. Also, pay attention to who initiates and ends each text conversation. If possible you should alternate.

3. Be attentive to spelling and grammar. Text messages should give the impression that you're smart and knowledgeable. It can be hard to achieve this if you're not "txtin-lyk dis". Teenagers might be able to accomplish this, however adults over 18 need to be more aware of spelling and grammar.
In order to appear intelligent, you don't need to search for large terms to appear smart. You don't have to look up large words in the dictionary. Just scan every text prior to sending it. Check to make sure you're not making any typos or misspellings. Punctuation has a significant influence on how your message is interpreted. A photo of your girlfriend in a new outfit is one example. This sounds more enthusiastic and fun as opposed to "wow!" while "I love it ..."" is more appealing, flirty, and flirty as opposed to "I love it". Be careful not to overdo it with the exclamation points, question marks, smiley faces winky faces, and other emoticons. They can be powerful in the right context, however, they may appear trite if overused. See this long distance relationship i love you for info.

4. Do not let the conversation get lost in the conversation. One of the most important techniques to acquire is how to stop the conversation that is dying. If you stop the texting conversation for too long, it is easy to run off on exciting things and turn the conversation into a bore. Continue the conversation until you reach the stage. You might leave her wanting more. It's best to close the conversation by saying some sweet, flirty words such as "gotta leave, babe. We'll talk tomorrow." Do not get yourself into any trouble with me! or "Time for bed, I'm going to rest and get my wonderful sleep." I'm looking forward meeting you in the middle of your desires.

5. Do not use text flirting in lieu of flirting in person. Text flirting should be used only as a tool for flirting between real-life flirting sessions. While texting is great (and you might make comments that you would never say in person) There is nothing like the feeling of flirting with an individual in the flesh. Text messages can be used to make plans for your next casual date or to plan your next date. It gives you a reason to text and is something that you can both anticipate. It is important to remember that things like prolonged eye contact and a radiant smile are better than words on a monitor.

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